Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer 2011 Commision Sale!

Since I want to pay bills and take a vacation this summer (living the dream!), I thought
I would do a commission drive. Something new this time as well, I will color and print out
a hi-resolution copy of your commission and mail both the original and color version to you.
These spots are limited as I only have a short window open so let me know if you're interested.

11x17 b/w commission (1 character, minimal b/g) = $50 (Additional characters $15)
With 11x17 color print + $40

9x12 b/w commission (1 character, minimal b/g) = $30 (Additional characters $10)
with 9x12 color print + $25

Add $7 for paypal fees, shipping and handling within the U.S.

Sketchcards with spot color are $20 + $2 s+h

I also have some left over stock from my spring conventions, if you're interested.

Sketchbook V2 (40 odd pages of sketches plus an original sketch on the back) = $5 (+$3 s+h)

ICARUS Convention edition, 30 pages of story + 10 pages of bonus material = $5 (+$3 s+h)

Paypal address is

*Please note, if you want me to draw your original character, please contact me prior to payment.


scottygod said...

That's a good idea, adding the color print.

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